Monday, August 31, 2009

My goals for next semester Oct. 23

One of my three goals for next semester is to finish english which I only need one more credit another goal is to finish history and my final one is to stop being lazy and finish my Government book and move on to my Economic book, and finally do my Senior Portfolio and I'm out hopefully I'll graduate well I am.

One of my social goal is to start coming early and not being tardy no more and participate more in class.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dot will be considered a subordinate character because even though Cupcake had never found a white girl smooth enough to replace her she knew as a hustler she was sooner or later she will find another way.

Cupcake can be considered a dynamic character in this memoir because she has change her way of living and every chapter her attitude and actions continue to be more bad and is getting to a point were something can happen that she will regret later.

Cupcake's dad Mr.Burns can be considered a static character because through out the memoir we have learn that he only calls her when she gets her money which means he needs money from her.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cupcake's newest conflict

Cupcake is now living with her dad and they are both slanging drugs. Sam the dad's girlfriend who is also a prostitute just moved in with them. The house they are living in is just a mess nothing but drug dealing and prostitutes everywhere. I think Cupcake should get out of this house before its to late and she could become a prostitute or something worse can happen such as some one getting killed or even her self.